Day 15 - Saturday - From a high to a low

What an amazing day.  We woke up New Mexico on the boarder at Gallup and decided to take it easy as we had lived in the car the day before where a 120 minute trip had taken about 8 hours as we drifted into the Hopi tribe areas and had discovered a bit of dirt roads.

Our next hotel was in Williams, Arizona about an hour and a half away, into a new state and time zone.   We went via a crater that we both agreed wasn't worth seeing for 18 dollars each so did an about turn and carried on through open landscapes and big big skies.

On route we found Walnut caverns and a spherical dome gas station that was in the movies of Starman.

We took a bathroom pit stop at a campsite in a forest (we were vigilant for moose having been warned that they could leap out at us at at time in the 60 mile stretch). We didn't spot any moose which was equally disappointing and a relief because the road sign shadow images were a bit scary.  I did manage to fall and take out my knees in the car park (I didn't need the skin anyways).  My "holiday fall" had happened - job done and it was minor.  Phew.

Matt pointed the car at the Grand Canyon and we both agreed it was spectacular and so big that it didn't seem real.  I managed not to fall over.  Bonus.  

Onward to Williams and our rest point for the evening.  Car unpacked and WiFi password needed. I stepped out of the room and into a local private hospital.  Six x-rays and 300 dollars later I was strapped up with an air cast and driving American style crutches for a few weeks.  I was diagnosed as being an idiot, bad twisty sprain and the steps had won again.  One day I will win.   Maybe I just wanted to join the Hopi Tribe.

I get the hard drugs tomorrow.