Day 56

To Tupelo to see Elvis Presley’s birthplace, but breakfast at the D'Cracked Egg before we headed over to the museum.

The home Elvis was born in, in its original place.

And his church, which was moved to the site.

As were leaving someone wandered over and asked us if we knew where the toilet was. I ALWAYS know where the toilet is. We pointed him towards it, and he said “Do you do Bible study?” I said I did not, and a conversation ensued. Let the record reflect I didn’t start the conversation. I believe Jane would back me up in saying the guy was crazy (something for the prosecution would be his idea that England was wall-to-wall Muslim.) At one point he gestured to the clouds and shouted “You need Jesus.” I looked up. Just looked like rain was coming to me.

We crossed into Mississippi, and driving West (controversial) before heading South we drove through Layfette and saw many cotton fields, with loose cotton blowing across the road. At the garage where we picked up some snacks where Mark suggested we go to a place called Oxford (we didn’t, sorry Mark.)

As we got to the outskirts of Clarksdale the cotton was bundled up with pink wrappings which made them look like seaside rock.

Someone’s YouTube video on how it gets harvested.