
We had no plan today, just an end point with the hotel booked just outside of Detroit. Just one more State remains, which we will likely get to explore in a couple of days. We have decided to spend the last three nights in Chicago, near the airport, so we can unwind, have a lie-in and explore locally, hopefully getting to see the Nighthawk at the Diner.

Today then was a joy, when we avoided the tolls, we were directed across a giant bridge to Lakeside Marblehead. We went off route to explore a beautiful peninsula. We had thought about driving around a safari, but we didnt want to risk damaging the car. We got to observe a wedding taking place near the lighthouse, I picked up a cosy wrap from the Ewe store and Matt spotted an unexpected giant muffler man to add to our collection.

All in all - a great day.

The hotel today is packed out, apparently Metallica was on tour yesterday and apparently the “scrapbookers” have taken over the hotel this evening (we have no clue what this is). We are having a quiet evening in, instead.