Day One - London to Manhattan

Once upon a time, there was a fun circus. Well, it shouted a lot about it being the absolute best circus in the whole wide World. One day, everyone at the circus got together to have a meeting about who should run the circus. Now, perhaps there were drinks involved, perhaps someone spiked the sandwiches but for reasons that historians will undoubtedly ponder for many years to come, half, well less than half, okay the ones that cared enough to take part in the vote - well, they voted to put the clown in charge. Not even the best clown. The loudest clown. No one could fathom how this possibly could have happened.

Well, we had to go and see how the clown was doing.

So, we got up at 4am for the 5am taxi and by 830 we'd taken off for Circus Land.

It was nice to have the luxury of having seats that turned into beds so the journey went pretty quickly, and before long we were in the taxi into Harlem where we were staying for the duration.

Max wanted to see Madison Square Garden so we hopped on the 1 Train about ten stops south to Penn Station. From there into Times Square.

Being Ash Wednesday there were many Manhattanites working round with ash on their foreheads. It’s strange to see expressions of supernatural belief in the 21st Century, and in such a modern city.

To be honest we were back home by 7pm because (a) we’d had been awake for about nineteen hours (feel free to correct my maths), (b) the weather app said it was -1 but would “feel like -8” and it did.


A proper day tomorrow.