Horseshoe Falls

Day 7 - Niagara, Canada

After the 3am start and long journey I was asleep before eight, so was up at six-thirty. Read for an hour, breakfast and we left by nine or so to walk down to Horseshoe Falls.


So far we’ve shopped at Walmart, eaten at the International House of Pancakes and had a coffee at Starbucks. If we even so much as drive past a McDonalds we’ll be ejected into America where we so obviously belong.


Spent the evening in “Knuckleheads”. There was a band called “2 hot 2 handle” which I assumed might be be a jazz quartet playing standards. No, turns out it was a nineties covers band. Blur’s “Song 2” was the only song I recognised, but I think in the nineties I was probably listening to music from the seventies.

A hockey game was on the television. Maple Leafs vs. Red Wings (?). The Maple Leafs won (which Max supports). The owners supported the opposition.
